After Cabinet Approval.. Expert Reveals the Importance of the Unified National Real Estate Number Draft Law

بعد موافقة مجلس الوزراء.. خبير يكشف أهمية مشروع قانون الرقم القومي الموحد للعقارات

The Cabinet approved, last Wednesday, a new draft law to establish a unified national number for real estate, in order to facilitate the inventory of real estate wealth and achieve tax justice, by preparing an accurate and comprehensive inventory of real estate, within the framework of Egypt's Vision 2030, which aims to achieve economic growth based on knowledge and digital transformation, while real estate expert, Engineer Yasser Abdullah, explained the meaning of the decision.

The Council explained that the new draft law stipulates the implementation of the following: Establishing a national electronic database for real estate consisting of a unified number for each property, which cannot be repeated, and distinguishes each property, that the codes for the unified base map of the Arab Republic of Egypt are linked from within the secure environment of the spatial information infrastructure system, that the non-retirement technical image of the base map is viewed through the secure environment of the aforementioned system affiliated with the competent authority.

Commenting on the decision, Yasser Abdullah said that the draft law on the unified national number for real estate stipulates that every building, whether residential, commercial or economic units, must have a complete identification card that is not similar to any other building or residential unit.

He added that Egypt has the equivalent of 60 million multi-use units, many of which are not visible, and some of which have similar addresses and unknown activity, and thus the identification card shows the details of the entity of these buildings, explaining that the unified national number for real estate is considered the first step towards e-governance, noting that the real estate registered in the real estate registry is only 5% of the real estate wealth in Egypt.

He stated that the law on the unified national number for real estate makes the method of dealing between the state and the citizen in this field better, as it does not infringe on the citizen's right and at the same time allows the state to collect the imposed dues.

"Abdullah" explained the methods of obtaining the national number by going to the local unit to which it belongs to obtain the national number, and the citizen will be directed to the competent authority to obtain the national number, whether it is the spatial variables unit or any unit that will take over this matter in the future.

Jul 2024
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